Nickent 3dx ironwood dc hybrid
Nickent 3dx ironwood dc hybrid

nickent 3dx ironwood dc hybrid

He still using very old set of clubs, i thinks this set was from the time that Mr Ben Hogan muda2 dulu kot hehe.

nickent 3dx ironwood dc hybrid

Even `Hybrid` also he don`t know what kind of club it is and for your info, he played handicap 10. Tapi sekarang, when i meet him at the tournament, i try tanya about clubs…he dont`n know much. Biasa la begginer, went to a Used Club Stall than beli iron sebatang2 lain2 brand (now i realize how funny i`m those day, patut la tokey kedai pandang semacam jer hehe). Then i meet my good old buddy that those find day i used to asked him advice before i bought my first golf set. Last 4 month i play a tournament that organized by my organization sempena 50 years of the establishment. So that we can compare and feel the differences. Yes biasa la saya pun begginer, then i know kita punya citarasa and intention. 3G is waiting :).Įm ok back to our bussines. Kalu letak siput sebelah, siput lagi laju compare to my broadband line hehe. Em sekarang kat kg lg, line pun sooo slow. So Sorry yesterday cannot reply your msg fast. Thanks a lot for the very nice comment, and welcome to the World of Golf hehe. Thats the main reason, but at the same time also, i had friend there (US) and can get the clubs for the US current price (harga semasa). You must remember that they must also need to pay for their rental shop, pekerja and so on that also required more money. Tapi bila harga clubs dah turun ke RM 1200, they can`t afford to sell it bellow the minimum price they bought the clubs that is RM 1500.

nickent 3dx ironwood dc hybrid

Let say masa diorang beli dengan harga RM 1500, lepas tue they sell dengan harga RM 2000. BUT in Malaysia, the price cannot go very low sebab retailer kat Malaysia dah beli dengan harga tertentu. For everybody punya information, if the company like Wilson or Nickent dah keluarkan new design, harga previous design akan turun. Mesti ramai tertanya2 kenapakah set yang saya jual nie murah sangat? Bukan! Bukan SET CIPLAK!!! Jangan salah paham. Note: Dear friends…for your info, this site is under upgrading project and getting more product and will be on SALE very soon (short period, i promise).

Nickent 3dx ironwood dc hybrid